Gateway Church Austin

Gateway Church in Austin

Church at 7104 McNeil Drive, Austin, TX 78729

Gateway is a COME AS YOU ARE kind of church – a community of imperfect people doing life together, becoming all that God created us to be.

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  (5 reviews)

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Working hours of
Gateway Church Austin

Closed now.
Sunday 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
Monday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Tuesday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wednesday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm

Vacancy Gateway Church Austin (jobs):

Coming soon


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Last reviews about Gateway Church Austin
in Austin, TX

Please add your review. Your comments help to get feedback and an honest opinion about the Gateway Church Austin.
Thanks to the reviews, other people are able to learn of mistakes or read of the warmth and delight of your gratitude. Please keep your comments--whether praise or criticism--kind and appropriate. This is not the place to ask questions, or post contact information. Inappropriate language, off-topic or duplicate comments, names of individuals criticised, phone numbers, etc will be X'd out or removed, according to the moderator's notice and discretion. Thank you for your comments and participation!

  • I came this morning for a reason and today's message opened up a world of possibilities and change for the best! Thank you for a great service.

    Added April 18, 2017 by Annie Laguette
  • Great band and good preaching
    I know his sermons are all for me!
    What really did it was when I first walked in and saw the seats had cup holders - I knew I was right where I belonged !!

    Added March 16, 2017 by Pam Bilderback
  • ☆ ☆

    It's a good church. I like the stadium seating and I like the stage that they were able to preach on.

    Added December 03, 2016 by Larry Hooker
  • Uplifting, inspirational. People are friendly. I gave a 5 for the church service & the value of the lesson. However, I give a 2 for your lack of outreach ministry. My son & his family were attending your church. My son was a very new Christian & vurnable. When the family desperately needed help during a severe medical crisis & needed help with food & someone to help care for a young baby, NO ONE from your congregation even made so much as an inquiring phone call to the family. Consequently my son determined that the heart of a Christian was no better than non-believers. He did try reaching out to the pastor himself, but no response either. I know it is because you are growing so fast, but he took it personally. He stopped attending church & now doubts that there really was a Jesus at all. I tried contacting the pastor via email when the family needed help & received no response. My heart feels like a piece of it is dying. I had prayed for his salvation for over 30 years. His family unit is shattered. All because no one reached out to them in their time of great need, as Jesus teaches us to do. I am praying & fasting for my son's return to Christ, but I really need the help of the ministry of this church to reach out in love & kindness. I know your church is full of "baby Christians", I understand that. But he does not.

    Added November 30, 2016 by Victoria Degand
  • Baptized here in 2011. The attention to detail is awesome. I've moved away, but still listen and try to attend service whenever I can!

    Added November 25, 2016 by Matt P
How would you rate Gateway Church Austin?

Gateway Church Austin website info

Website address:

Website title: Gateway Church in Austin

Website description: Gateway is a COME AS YOU ARE kind of church – a community of imperfect people doing life together, becoming all that God created us to be.